Together for tolerance - With each other, for each other

A research project against (group-) conflicts and for a tolerant togetherness.

Project overview

„Together for tolerance“ is a project about social relationships at school, respect and tolerance. The project is carried out by Osnabrück University and is shaped by you, the students of the school.

Together with you, we want to find out how your school can become a place where everyone treats each other with respect despite different backgrounds and opinions.


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If you what to know what is going on with „Together for tolerance – with each other, for each other“ at the moment, here are some current insights into the project.

You will also find there interesting articles about the background of the project.

2GETHR 4TLRNC (Schule 2)

Together for Tolerance wird erneut an der Schule sichtbar An einer zweiten Schule gab es auch viel zu sehen! Die Schulaktion am 18. September an

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Together for Tolerance wird an der Schule sichtbar Heute möchten wir euch von einer weiteren tollen Schulaktion im Projekt „Together for Tolerance“ erzählen – oder

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Kleine Schulaktion

Ex-Gemobbter trifft Ex-Mobber bei Talk Together Neben den Online-Befragungen an der Schule, die sicherlich nicht ganz so spannend für euch sind, führen wir auch ereignisvollere

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Wie Sprachen verbinden

Wie Sprachen verbinden Sprachen zu lernen ist gar nicht so einfach – das wisst ihr bestimmt aus eigener Erfahrung. Es kann herausfordernd sein, Texte in

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So viele Sprachen

So viele Sprachen Das Ziel von Together for Tolerance ist es, die Schule zu einem schönen Ort für alle zu machen. Um dies zu erreichen,

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You are the experts!

Test your knowledge about the project and our team!

Unfortunately, we can only provide the quiz in German.


The research project takes place in cooperation with the Radicalization Awareness Network of the European Commission. It is supported by the State Prevention Council of Lower Saxony and is implemented in cooperation with the Lower Saxony Association of Education Initiatives.

Do you have questions?

…please feel free to contact at any time by e-mail, stating the name of the project “Together for tolerance” in the subject line. We are looking forward to your message.