Who takes part in the prevention?
In the first part of the project (the surveys), participating students had the opportunity to indicate what relationships exist among them. They were asked, for example, who they spent time with, who they talk to about difficulties, or who is popular among them. Students who were named in these questions by their class- or schoolmates are so-called “social referents”. They are of particular importance because their peers look to them for guidance and derive from their behaviours what is and what is not acceptable in social interactions. In the prevention we would like to use the potential of these social referents to change the social norms (the rules or guidelines for living together) and give them the opportunity to make a positive change. At each there are several social referents. We can see this thanks to the surveys. After we know who the social referents are, we randomly choose who of them we invite to the prevention. The participation of the invited students in the prevention (as well as in the entire project) is voluntary. Before students can participate in the prevention, we inform their legal guardians are informed and obtain their consent.